Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Excel Tips: Find and Delete Rows, Go to Special

Yes – another Excel post!  Today I was formatting income statements in Simply Accounting (the departmental income vs. budget ), (in Excel) – and in the process of doing so - I learned some neat Excel tools.
Although I used these to format an income statement, you can use these in a variety of applications!  Enjoy!

Tool # 1 – Find & Select, Delete Rows

Problem:  Rows with unnecessary data mixed together with the rest of your data. 
B          Office Supplies
C         Not Assigned to Departments          $xxx
D         Department # 1                                   $xxx
E          Other Departments                            $xxx        
1.       Press “Ctrl” + “F”
2.      Type the word(s) you are looking for and click “Find All”(in the example above, I typed "Not Assigned to Departments")
3.      Select all of the search results by pressing “Ctrl” + “A”
4.      From the Home Tab click “Delete”then “Delete Sheet Rows”

Delete is on the Home Tab

Tool # 2 – Find & Select Blank Rows, Delete Rows

Problem:  Unnecessary blank rows in between your data
B          Office Supplies
D         Department # 1                                  $xxx
F          Telephone Expense                            $xxx
1.      Select the column in question
2.      From the Home Tab, go to “Find & Select”
3.      Select “Go to Special”
4.      Select “Blanks”
5.      Click OK
6.      From the Home Tab, click on “Delete”, then “Delete Sheet Rows” (or simply press “delete” on your keyboard if you want to keep the row but clear the cell).

Find & Select, On the Home Tab - Look for the Binoculars

Tool # 3 – Find & Select  and Hide Rows

Problem: Rows that contain data, formulas, etc. that must be kept in the spreadsheet because they are part of other equations - but you want them hidden
1.      Select the column in question
2.      From the Home Tab, go to “Find & Select”
3.      Select “Go to Special”
4.      Select “Formulas” (As you can see, you have a number of options to select here)
5.      Click OK
6.     Press "Ctrl" + "9" (Hide)

And there you have it!  I'm always interested in learning new Excel tips & tricks - if you have any you would like to share!

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